


1,699.00 + VAT

Featured Speaker: Dr. Virgel C. Binghay
Professor & Director – UP  SOLAIR

November 17, 2023
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Regular Rate           Php 1,699.00 + VAT starting November 11, 2023
Early Bird Rate        Php 1,399.00 + VAT until November 10, 2023
Group Rate             Php 1,299.00 + VAT per pax for 5 – 14 pax
Super Group Rate  Php 1,099.00 + VAT per pax for 15 or more pax
Inclusive of the Webinar Session, and the Digital Certificate


Building Employee Engagement:
Strategies for a Motivated and Productive Workforce


The webinar on employee engagement addresses the growing need for organizations to focus on cultivating a motivated and productive workforce. Employee engagement directly impacts organizational performance, productivity, and overall success. Engaged employees are more likely to be committed, innovative, and dedicated to their work, increasing customer satisfaction, reducing turnover, and improving financial outcomes.

This webinar aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of employee engagement, benefits, and influencing factors. By exploring effective strategies and best practices, participants will gain practical knowledge and actionable insights to implement in their own organizations. Through case studies and real-world examples, participants will learn from successful engagement initiatives and discover how to measure and evaluate employee engagement to drive continuous improvement.Ultimately, this webinar aims to empower participants to create a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement, increasing productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall organizational success.


At the end of the webinar, the participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss the concept of employee engagement and its significance in the workplace.
  2. Enumerate the factors influencing employee engagement and their impact on organizational success.
  3. Identify strategies and best practices for enhancing employee engagement within an organization.
  4. Measure and evaluate employee engagement to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
  5. Explain their knowledge and insights through case studies and real-world examples of successful employee engagement initiatives.
  6. Develop an action plan to implement effective employee engagement strategies in their own organizations.


I. Understanding Employee Engagement

A. Definition of employee engagement
B. Key components of employee engagement
C. Benefits of a highly engaged workforce
D. Current trends and challenges in employee engagement

II. Rationale for Focusing on Employee Engagement

A. Impact of employee engagement on productivity and performance
B. Link between employee engagement and organizational success
C. Cost of disengagement and turnover in the workplace
D. Business case for investing in employee engagement initiatives.

III. Factors Influencing Employee Engagement

A. Leadership and management practices
B. Organizational culture and values
C. Employee development and growth opportunities
D. Work-life balance and well-being
E. Communication and feedback channels

IV. Strategies for Enhancing Employee Engagement

A. Effective leadership and management techniques
B. Creating a positive organizational culture.
C. Providing opportunities for learning and development.
D. Designing meaningful work experiences.
E. Implementing recognition and reward programs.
F. Promoting work-life balance and employee well-being.
G. Establishing open communication channels.

V. Measurement and Evaluation of Employee Engagement

A. Overview of employee engagement surveys
B. Identifying key metrics and indicators of engagement.
C. Analyzing survey data and feedback.
D. Strategies for continuous improvement

VI. Implementing Employee Engagement Initiatives

A. Developing an employee engagement strategy.

B. Gaining leadership buy-in and support.

C. Communicating and involving employees in the process.

D. Overcoming barriers and challenges to implementation

E. Monitoring and adjusting engagement initiatives.

VII. Case Studies and Best Practices

A. Examples of successful employee engagement initiatives
B. Lessons learned from organizations with high employee engagement.
C. Practical tips for implementing engagement strategies.


  • International lecturer (Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, etc.)
  • Invited to present papers in Canada and Peru
  • Author of a number of books and his articles are published in some of the journals and conference proceedings.
  • Issue Editor of the “Philippine Journal of Labor and Industrial Relations”
  • Member of different professional organizations including the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA); and Industrial Relations Association of Academics in Australia; New Zealand (IRAANZ); and ILO Association of the Philippines; etc.
  • Expert in corporate planning, organization development, human resource management, industrial relations, and quality management.
  • Before joining the University of the Philippines, he was connected with the private sector and a government agency – including his stint with San Miguel Corporation as Corporate Labor Relations Manager.
  • Recipient of various awards, recognitions, and grants including the “2006 HR Leadership Award” (from the World HRD Congress Global HR Excellence Awards, held in Mumbai, India).
  • Took various courses from the following learning institutions: Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Michigan University, University of California-Irvine, University of Amsterdam, and Tokyo Kenshu Center, Japan
  • Accredited Voluntary Arbitrator of the Department of Labor & Employment


POWERMAX WEBINARS.  As a leading online corporate training provider in Manila, Philippines, Powermax currently offers live webinars which are designed to give you an incisive insight into a plethora of interesting and relevant topics using Zoom technology. It aims to uncork the latest updates, best practices, useful strategies, and tactics, and/or practical tips and techniques not just to widen your horizon but also to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills. Hopefully, this will also encourage you to register for the other webinars of Powermax. Just visit our site –www.powermax.ph to see our other webinars.

LIMITED SLOTS. Limited slots are available. To avoid last-minute delays and inconveniences, we advise you to please register at the latest two days or one day before the webinar event.

REGISTRATION. You must register or be registered by someone else to be able to join our webinars.  Webinar access links are strictly sent through email therefore make sure you indicate the right email addresses for the participants. Please indicate how many participants you wish to include before hitting the REGISTER NOW button.

CHECK OUT. When you go to the Checkout Page, double-check the number of participants you have to register, if you change your mind or wish to make last-minute adjustments, do not forget to update your cart by clicking the UPDATE CART button.  Once everything is final, you may now click the PROCEED TO CHECK OUT button.

BILLING DETAILS AND THE NAMES OF THE PARTICIPANTS. On the upper portion, you have to enter your details (esp. your email address) as the one paying for the registration. Underneath, you have to enter the details (esp. the email addresses) of the participants you wish to join the webinar.


POWERMAX provides three (3) payment options:
(1) Bank Deposit/Online Bank Transfer
(2) G-Cash
(3) PayPal/Credit or Debit Card Through PayPal 

Bank Deposit or Online Bank Transfer / G-Cash
If you choose Bank Deposit/Online Bank Transfer or G-Cash, you have to send the proof of payment to info@powermax.ph.

IMPORTANT:  Proof of payment must be sent to info@powermax.ph.  Failure to send the proof of payment to info@powermax.ph means the participants will not receive the webinar links even if the proof of payment is sent to other contact details of Powermax or its representatives (e.g., Facebook, Messenger, Viber, other email addresses, etc.).

Payment Through PayPal
If you choose to pay for your registration using PayPal you may do so.  Please take note that PayPal also accepts Debit Cards and Credit Cards bearing the VISA and Mastercard logo. Unlike the Bank Deposit/Online Bank Transfer, the PayPal process automatically updates our system to issue the participants their access to our webinars.

WEBINAR ACCESS LINKS.  Once payment is made and verified, we can activate the spot on the webinar then we can send the webinar access links to the email addresses of the participants – this only goes with Bank Deposit/Online Bank Transfer / G-Cash.  However, for payments made using PayPal, the activation process is automatic. Note that your webinar access link cannot be shared with anyone else.  If you cannot attend on the date and time of the webinar kindly advise us at the latest one day ahead.

POWER WEBINARS. Powermax live webinars are designed to give you an incisive insight into a plethora of interesting and relevant topics using Zoom technology. It aims to uncork the latest updates, best practices, useful strategies, and tactics, and/or practical tips and techniques not just to widen your horizon but also to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills. Hopefully, this will also encourage you to register for the other webinars of Powermax. Just visit our site – www.powermax.ph to see our other webinars.


To ensure a pleasant webinar experience, we recommend to registrants to:

  1. Download and install the Zoomapplication beforehand
  2. Ensure that there is a proper internet WIFI connection
  3. Use a working webinar streaming device.


  1. Definition of Terms
    • REGISTRANT – The person who has registered himself or other people for a webinar of Powermax
    • ENROLLEE(S) – The person(s) registered by the REGISTRANT
    • PAID REGISTRANT – The registrant who has paid in full for the registration of the ENROLLEE(S)
    • ATTENDEE(S) – The enrollee(s) who has / have actually attended the webinar
  2. The Official Receipts will be made available for pick up at the office of Powermax Consulting Group. If you need a soft copy, we can take a picture of it and send you a copy online. However, if you want the physical copy delivered to your office, you can arrange with and pay for a local courier service like Lalamove or Grab Express.
  3. Sharing of the presentation materials depends on the webinar speaker.

(a) Some speakers willingly share their materials while others don’t
(b) For the speakers who are willing to share their presentation materials

  • Some prefer that the materials be sent in advance while others prefer that they be sent after the webinar
  • Some prefer that the handouts to be given to the attendees are different from the PowerPoint files that they use and will not share the PPT files

Powermax cannot guarantee that the presentation materials of each webinar will be shared, or shared in advance, or will be the same as the PPT file of the speaker.

  1. By joining the webinar of Powermax, you consent to interviews, photography, audio recording, video recording and its / their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on web sites, or for any other purpose(s) that Powermax, its vendors, partners, affiliates and/or representatives deem fit to use. You release Powermax, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings.
  2. By entering the event premises (conference venue or Zoom meeting platform), you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken.
  3. Any form of recording and sharing of the video, image or audio of the webinar is strictly prohibited unless with the express permission of the speaker and the management of Powermax Consulting Group.
  4. Your registration fee entitles your enrollee(s) to a slot in a webinar you have paid for but no record of the video of the webinar will be shared.
  5. If an enrollee fails to join the webinar because Powermax fails to give the webinar link, the payment of his / her REGISTRANT will be refunded in full or if the REGISTRANT prefers, the payment will be rolled over to other webinars of his / her choice.
  6. If an enrollee advises Powermax five (5) days before the scheduled date of the webinar that he / she cannot attend it, the payment for that slot will be rolled over to another webinar. But if he / she avails of the presentation materials of that webinar (assuming the speaker has shared the materials), the payment cannot be rolled over to another webinar.
  7. If an enrollee fails to attend a webinar and also fails to advise Powermax five (5) days before the scheduled date of the webinar, the presentation materials of that webinar (assuming the speaker has shared the materials) will be given to him / her but there will be no option for rollover.
  8. If an enrollee fails to attend a webinar because of a technical glitch on his / her device but other enrollees manage to join the said webinar, there will be no liability on the part of Powermax unless it can be established that there is a clear fault by a representative of Powermax.
  9. Certificates will be given to the ATTENDEES only.
  10. Questions or clarifications about the subject matter of a webinar can only be entertained by the speakers during the holding of the webinar. After the webinar, the speaker cannot be obliged to answer them through email, Facebook chat or some other means.
  11. Unless asked by the speaker or the host to talk, the attendees should not unmute their microphone to avoid distracting the session. Anyone who persists in unmuting his / her audio, despite the reminder or warning, will be removed from the webinar session.
  12. During the webinar, the ATTENDEES are not allowed to advertise any business competitive with the business of Powermax (seminars / webinars / events) or its sister company AGFI or Advertising and Gaming Fabrication, Inc. (signages, kiosks, podiums, gaming modules like tambiolo, roleta, pachinko; sticker and tarpaulin printing; and laser cutting)
  13. We want everyone to enjoy the webinar. However, we reserve the right to remove participants who are unruly or disruptive (e.g., repeatedly making noise, spamming the chat, recording the webinar, etc.) and no refund will be made.

Thank you and enjoy!

Keep safe and God Bless!


1,699.00 + VAT


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1,699.00 + VAT