1. Definition of Terms

  • REGISTRANT: The person who has registered themselves or other people for a masterclass of Powermax.
  • ENROLLEE(S): The person(s) registered by the REGISTRANT.
  • PAID REGISTRANT: The registrant who has paid in full for the registration of the ENROLLEE(S).
  • ATTENDEE(S): The enrollee(s) who has/have actually attended the masterclass.

2. Official Receipts

Official Receipts will be available for pick-up at the office of Powermax Consulting Group. If you need a soft copy, we can take a picture and send it to you online. For physical copies delivered to your office, you can arrange and pay for a local courier service like Lalamove or Grab Express.

3. Presentation Materials Format

The format of the presentation materials depends on the speakers.

  • Some prefer materials be sent in advance, others after the masterclass.
  • Some provide different handouts for attendees and do not share their PowerPoint or PDF files

4. Media Consent

By registering for a Powermax masterclass, you grant Powermax permission to:

  • Conduct interviews, take photographs, record audio and video, and use these recordings for various purposes, including news, webcasts, promotional activities, telecasts, advertising, website inclusion, and any other purposes deemed appropriate by Powermax and its authorized representatives.

In doing so, you release Powermax, its officers, and employees from any liability or responsibility arising from the taking, recording, digitization, or publication of these interviews, photographs, computer images, video, and/or sound recordings.

5. Waiver of Claims

By entering the event premises (conference venue or Zoom meeting platform), you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of these materials, regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication, irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken.

6. Recording Restrictions

Any form of video, image, or audio recording during the masterclass is not allowed unless with the express permission of the speaker and the management of Powermax Consulting Group.

7. Registration Fee

Your registration fee entitles your enrollee(s) to a slot in a masterclass you have paid for, but no record of the video of the masterclass will be shared.

8. Refunds and Rollovers

  • Cancellation: If an enrollee fails to join the masterclass because Powermax fails to provide the link, or if Powermax cancels the masterclass, the payment will be refunded in full or, if preferred, rolled over to other masterclasses of the REGISTRANT’s choice.
  • Advance Notice: If an enrollee informs Powermax five (5) days before the scheduled date that they cannot attend, the payment will be rolled over to another masterclass. However, if the enrollee receives the presentation materials, the payment cannot be rolled over.

9. Non-attendance

If an enrollee fails to attend a masterclass and fails to notify Powermax five (5) days before the scheduled date, they will receive the presentation materials (if shared by the speaker) but will not have the option for a rollover.

10. Technical Issues

If an enrollee fails to attend a masterclass due to a technical glitch on their device, while other enrollees manage to join, there will be no liability on the part of Powermax.

11. Certificates

Certificates will be given to the ATTENDEES only.  For mistakes on spelling or related reasons, the REGISTRANT or ATTENDEE(s) may request a re-issuance of the certificate(s).  However, our data retention requires clearing of the records every 6 months.  We are unable to re-issue certificates for masterclasses beyond that timeframe.

12. Post-Masterclass Inquiries

Questions or clarifications about the subject matter of a masterclass can only be entertained by the speakers during the masterclass. After the masterclass, the speaker is not obligated to answer queries through email, Facebook chat, or other means.

13. Microphone Etiquette

Unless asked by the speaker or the host to talk, attendees should not unmute their microphones to avoid distractions. Anyone who persists in unmuting their audio, despite reminders or warnings, will be removed from the masterclass session.

14. Advertising Restrictions

During the masterclass, ATTENDEES are not allowed to advertise any business through chat or by unmuting, especially if competitive with the business of Powermax.

15. Behavior Expectations

We want everyone to enjoy the masterclass. However, we reserve the right to remove participants who are unruly or disruptive (e.g., making noise, spamming the chat, etc.) with no refund.

Thank you and enjoy!

Keep safe and all the best!